Men's Ministry: Keeping the Fortress and Taking the Frontier
The Rev. Dr. Cary Larson
October 2021
In the 2015 summer edition of the Evangel, our Presiding Pastor wrote,
“… we may think of the congregations of The AALC as fortresses of safety in a post-Christian frontier. Each congregational outpost is carefully positioned as a haven of safety, providing the protection of God’s Word and the sustenance of His Holy Sacraments. Also, each congregational fort is an outpost from which God’s people are sent forth with His commission of Kingdom expansion and Gospel proclamation into a wilderness culture of immorality and unbelief.”
"Each congregation is an outpost in the wilderness. Each congregational fortress provides the spiritual protection of God’s Holy Word and the spiritual nourishment of His Holy Sacraments. From the safety of the Presence of God and the fellowship of the saints, we are sent forth on a journey. Some are sent to foreign countries; others are sent into their own communities. Each one of us, inspired by His Spirit and equipped with His Word, is sent on a mission into the wilderness for the sake of Our King and the expansion of His Kingdom.”